How I Got Started

My career as a graphic designer has just started and I am super excited to see what path it takes me as I love what i do. Iā€™m inspired to do UX / UI design as they sound very interesting and exciting.

My dad is the sole reason I am so inspired and excited to do art as he is a graphic designer / artist and has always pushed me and told me to strive towards my dreams and it so happens that my dream is to follow in his footsteps( he is my role model ).

I am a Bristol based artist that works with different companies through my college for example we worked with Fnatic and Halo to make work that met their criteria and breif.

A Bit About Me

I love creating artworks to do with ancient monsters or fairy tales because there is so much history and infomation about them and the stories are endless. Each culture has their own stories and view of different creatures and its so interesting to learn and draw / create them.

I love dragons so much and this stems from my love for mythology and history. But i fell in love with them from how to train your dragon when i was a kid and to this day it is still my favourite film.